Mike Pavlish

Current News = Big Money

One of the pro tips I share with my private clients is to take whatever topic is hot in the news now … … and use that hot news topic in their headlines and email subject lines. The last time I recommended this was when Donald Trump got convicted of 34 felony charges. This worked… Continue reading Current News = Big Money

What wins in copywriting – talent or hard work?

I have coached 110+ direct response copywriters and seen everything about them close up. Some of these copywriters had great natural talent. Some had mediocre talent, some even less. Their learning and work effort ranged from pathetic to fantastic. The copy that converts the highest most often came from copywriters with mediocre talent who learn… Continue reading What wins in copywriting – talent or hard work?

2 Keys To Success of a NEW OFFER

I’d say about 10% of the new offers turn out to be big winners in this industry. Sadly that means 90% of the new offers are NOT big winners even though the owner put in the exact same time, effort and expense. That’s only a 1 in 10 “hit” rate. What a shame, isn’t it?… Continue reading 2 Keys To Success of a NEW OFFER

Successful Copywriting is Only 1/3 About The Words

Successful direct response copywriting is: … 1/3 PSYCHOLOGY (what benefits does your prospectwant the most, what are they thinking now, what aretheir main objections, etc.) … ⅓ RESEARCH (what makes your product different andsuperior to competing choices) … and ⅓ WRITING (great salesmanship in print)Yes, only 1/3 is the actual writing! This is very important:… Continue reading Successful Copywriting is Only 1/3 About The Words

The Magic of Curiosity

When used properly, almost NOTHING will increase the conversion rate, sales and profits of your direct response sales copy more than ….CURIOSITY! The legendary David Ogilvy even said curiosity was his secret weapon. Curiosity is extremely powerful because it is based on humans’ insatiable desire to know the unknown, to discover the answer, to close… Continue reading The Magic of Curiosity

How Tapping Into ANGER can Increase Conversion Rates

Anger is a great emotion to use in selling, and this includes direct response copywriting. It is an “action now” emotion. Target an enemy your prospects are angry at. That keeps them from their goal. WHO are your prospects ANGRY AT? And WHAT are they angry ABOUT? It can be: … doctors that just prescribe… Continue reading How Tapping Into ANGER can Increase Conversion Rates

Here’s how to have a VSL that FLOODS YOU with sales

I’ve written over 135 VSLs that have crushed it –and I reveal the secrets in this short podcast interview … Just click below to watch it: https://youtu.be/KPAKw94LuDM

2022 Year In Review and 2023 Surprising Predictions

This year, I wrote 20 long form VSLs or sales letters, all sellinghealth supplements, information or coaching. I have received results back on 15 of these. 12 were winners (80%),2 did ok and still optimizing (13%), 1 was a failure (7%). It was another extremely successful year for my clients and myself. Best categories: digestion/constipation,… Continue reading 2022 Year In Review and 2023 Surprising Predictions

My 6th recession: predictions for 2022+ for direct response marketing business and copywriting

This will be my 6th recession since I’ve been inthe direct response business. Here are five things I’ve learned from previousrecessions, and how you can profit from them: 1. Most of your competitors will operate out of fear (the strongest emotion) and cut spending on marketing,quality, personnel.If you stay strong and keep these up, you… Continue reading My 6th recession: predictions for 2022+ for direct response marketing business and copywriting

Headline Copywriting Tip

This headline copywriting tip almost always increases response. Usually by A LOT. The tip: make your proof element part of your headline. This adds credibility and believability which increases readership which increases sales. Here are three basic examples: ************************* NO: How to lose weight fast YES: How to lose weight fast according to Harvard University… Continue reading Headline Copywriting Tip


Many people are SHOCKED when point this out … Great copywriting results come from a lot of hard THINKING and include: * market niche and product selection * thinking like your prospect is thinking * market research to determine customer desires * research to find compelling mechanisms, hooks and reasons why * positioning * offer… Continue reading Why THINKING is MORE IMPORTANT than COPYWRITING

The Gain/Escape Copywriting Tip

All copywriting includes the benefits to be gained… But the most successful copywriting ALSO includes … the NEGATIVES that will be REMOVED from the buyers life. Why? People are even MORE motivated to ESCAPE a NEGATIVEthan they are to gain a positive. If you only talk about gaining positives, you are missing outon a more… Continue reading The Gain/Escape Copywriting Tip

Mike Pavlish’s Empath Copywriting Secret

The Empath Copywriting Technique that generated $700 Million in supplement sales If you want a BIG increase in your conversion rates, and to make a lot more money, read this … Here’s a secret I use to write copy that crushes it and that has has sold over $700 Million in health supplements and info… Continue reading Mike Pavlish’s Empath Copywriting Secret

The Mike Pavlish Curiosity Principle

Curiosity, used properly, can dramatically increase the conversion rate, sales and profits of your direct response advertising. Curiosity can be as effective as using traditional customer benefits, and sometimes even more so. When copywriting combines these two together –curiosity and customer benefits– it can increase the response rate of advertising exponentially. Curiosity is extremely powerful… Continue reading The Mike Pavlish Curiosity Principle