Mike Pavlish

Current News = Big Money

One of the pro tips I share with my private clients is to take whatever topic is hot in the news now … … and use that hot news topic in their headlines and email subject lines. The last time I recommended this was when Donald Trump got convicted of 34 felony charges. This worked… Continue reading Current News = Big Money

What wins in copywriting – talent or hard work?

I have coached 110+ direct response copywriters and seen everything about them close up. Some of these copywriters had great natural talent. Some had mediocre talent, some even less. Their learning and work effort ranged from pathetic to fantastic. The copy that converts the highest most often came from copywriters with mediocre talent who learn… Continue reading What wins in copywriting – talent or hard work?

2 Keys To Success of a NEW OFFER

I’d say about 10% of the new offers turn out to be big winners in this industry. Sadly that means 90% of the new offers are NOT big winners even though the owner put in the exact same time, effort and expense. That’s only a 1 in 10 “hit” rate. What a shame, isn’t it?… Continue reading 2 Keys To Success of a NEW OFFER

How To Develop a New Product

A great product is the best copywriter. A great product nearly sells itself when presented. It has built-in competitive advantageous that prospectswant and will pay for. When prospects see it, they want to buy it now. The product name conveys the benefit. It has sufficient or overwhelming proof. *** That’s why I always spend a… Continue reading How To Develop a New Product

Successful Copywriting is Only 1/3 About The Words

Successful direct response copywriting is: … 1/3 PSYCHOLOGY (what benefits does your prospectwant the most, what are they thinking now, what aretheir main objections, etc.) … ⅓ RESEARCH (what makes your product different andsuperior to competing choices) … and ⅓ WRITING (great salesmanship in print)Yes, only 1/3 is the actual writing! This is very important:… Continue reading Successful Copywriting is Only 1/3 About The Words

Watch This Copywriting Critique on YouTube

Here is my video copywriting critique of a Keto Diet E-Com Page … Watch this and see how to DOUBLE the conversion rate and the profits … the common type of copy that STOPS the reader and LOSES sales … “helpful copy” that actually LOWERS the conversion rate … and much more. https://youtu.be/znzsKzQ0ekg

Research Is What Will Make You Rich

“Research is what will make you rich”The copywriting of sales letters and VSLs has become pretty formulaic now, especially with the arrival of AI.So if copywriting is NOT the key differentiator for success indirect marketing anymore, what is?It’s research.Research is the new killer copywriting.If you can do deep research and find a unique and compelling… Continue reading Research Is What Will Make You Rich

How Tapping Into ANGER can Increase Conversion Rates

Anger is a great emotion to use in selling, and this includes direct response copywriting. It is an “action now” emotion. Target an enemy your prospects are angry at. That keeps them from their goal. WHO are your prospects ANGRY AT? And WHAT are they angry ABOUT? It can be: … doctors that just prescribe… Continue reading How Tapping Into ANGER can Increase Conversion Rates

Successful VSL Copywriting Secrets (Podcast Interview Part 2)

Here is Part 2 of me being interviewed on Copywriters Podcast for how to have a blockbuster VSL for your business: https://youtu.be/KPAKw94LuDM

11 Proven Marketing Secrets To Boost Your Sales and Profits Now!

Dear Marketer, Do your sales and profits need a large boost now? Would you like to get more “bang” for your marketing bucks? Would you like to get more qualified leads … then convert more of your leads into customers? Of course you would! This little booklet gives you 11 simple, but powerful strategies you… Continue reading 11 Proven Marketing Secrets To Boost Your Sales and Profits Now!

Secrets to Direct Response Tests That Will Give Your Profits A Kick In The Pants.

In his famous book, Secrets of Successful Direct Mail, Dick Benson states, “Any test idea you honestly believe can economically increase response is worth testing.” And he’s absolutely right. So let’s break this proven advice down to bite size pieces that can help YOUR testing really pay off big. “Any test idea that you honestly… Continue reading Secrets to Direct Response Tests That Will Give Your Profits A Kick In The Pants.

A Great Story Could Be The Secret To Doubling Your Response

A Great Story Could Be The Secret To Doubling Your Response Stanford University marketing professor Jennifer Aaker asked each of her students to give a 1 minute pitch. When asked to recall the pitches later, only 5% of students could cite a statistic, but 63% could remember a story (in detail). I’ve written over 40… Continue reading A Great Story Could Be The Secret To Doubling Your Response

Double Your Marketing Response With These 12 Copywriting Secrets

#1. FORGET WHAT YOU’VE ALWAYS DONE If you want a response breakthrough, you must forget about what you’ve always done … and what everybody else in your industry does. That’s tunnel vision. You need to look at your copywriting with a fresh set of eyes and a wide-open mind. The fact is, if you keep… Continue reading Double Your Marketing Response With These 12 Copywriting Secrets

How To Convert More Website Visitors Into Customers

You are fighting some tough obstacles to get a website visitor to respond to your company. These include the short attention span of the web, you being one of hundreds of websites they can visit, and the visitors having seen thousands of websites already. In analyzing the 25 most successful websites we’ve written for our… Continue reading How To Convert More Website Visitors Into Customers

A Headline Secret That’s Made Me Millions

Using specific numbers in my headlines has made my promotions very successful … and made me millions of dollars. Why are specific numbers so effective in headlines? Because the reader is curious about them and he believes them. Here are some examples of specific numbers used in headlines: – How my business went from $42,193… Continue reading A Headline Secret That’s Made Me Millions

13 Tips to Spur Conversion Rate Improvement on Your Site

You’re seeing visitors but not conversions. It’s a classic problem for any sales website and one that shows a fundamental flaw with your sales funnel. Before you start changing around your site’s design or paying big bucks for a retargeting campaign, think about tweaking your copy. If you’re not saying the things your visitors want… Continue reading 13 Tips to Spur Conversion Rate Improvement on Your Site