Mike Pavlish

2 Keys To Success of a NEW OFFER

I’d say about 10% of the new offers turn out to be big winners in this industry. Sadly that means 90% of the new offers are NOT big winners even though the owner put in the exact same time, effort and expense. That’s only a 1 in 10 “hit” rate. What a shame, isn’t it?… Continue reading 2 Keys To Success of a NEW OFFER

How Tapping Into ANGER can Increase Conversion Rates

Anger is a great emotion to use in selling, and this includes direct response copywriting. It is an “action now” emotion. Target an enemy your prospects are angry at. That keeps them from their goal. WHO are your prospects ANGRY AT? And WHAT are they angry ABOUT? It can be: … doctors that just prescribe… Continue reading How Tapping Into ANGER can Increase Conversion Rates

Here’s how to have a VSL that FLOODS YOU with sales

I’ve written over 135 VSLs that have crushed it –and I reveal the secrets in this short podcast interview … Just click below to watch it: https://youtu.be/KPAKw94LuDM

How To Find A Great “Big Idea”​ For Your Direct Response Sales Letter or Video

Everyone knows you need a powerful “Big Idea” for your sales letter or video to be a big winner. It has to be VERY STRONG for it to scale on cold traffic and make a lot of money. But I’d say 90%+ of the sales letters I see have a WEAK Big Idea. It is NOT strong enough to… Continue reading How To Find A Great “Big Idea”​ For Your Direct Response Sales Letter or Video

The Gain/Escape Copywriting Tip

All copywriting includes the benefits to be gained… But the most successful copywriting ALSO includes … the NEGATIVES that will be REMOVED from the buyers life. Why? People are even MORE motivated to ESCAPE a NEGATIVEthan they are to gain a positive. If you only talk about gaining positives, you are missing outon a more… Continue reading The Gain/Escape Copywriting Tip

Mike Pavlish’s Empath Copywriting Secret

The Empath Copywriting Technique that generated $700 Million in supplement sales If you want a BIG increase in your conversion rates, and to make a lot more money, read this … Here’s a secret I use to write copy that crushes it and that has has sold over $700 Million in health supplements and info… Continue reading Mike Pavlish’s Empath Copywriting Secret

Selling Dietary Supplements by Online Marketing – The Empathy Hand Secret

To sell a lot more dietary supplements on the internet, use what I call the Empathy Hand – “I’ve been in your shoes” – nobody cares about what you say until they believe you care about them – we believe people who are like us; who’ve had similar experiences; we buy from people we trust… Continue reading Selling Dietary Supplements by Online Marketing – The Empathy Hand Secret

13 Tips to Spur Conversion Rate Improvement on Your Site

You’re seeing visitors but not conversions. It’s a classic problem for any sales website and one that shows a fundamental flaw with your sales funnel. Before you start changing around your site’s design or paying big bucks for a retargeting campaign, think about tweaking your copy. If you’re not saying the things your visitors want… Continue reading 13 Tips to Spur Conversion Rate Improvement on Your Site

Start Writing With a Sense of Urgency!

Of the many proven sales techniques out there, creating a sense of urgency to inspire action is one of the simplest and most effective. Urgency – whether real or manufactured – causes people to act on impulse and make decisions they might otherwise avoid. It taps into our emotions and toys with rationality, putting us… Continue reading Start Writing With a Sense of Urgency!