Mike Pavlish

Current News = Big Money

One of the pro tips I share with my private clients is to take whatever topic is hot in the news now … … and use that hot news topic in their headlines and email subject lines. The last time I recommended this was when Donald Trump got convicted of 34 felony charges. This worked… Continue reading Current News = Big Money

A Common Headline Mistake

Here’s a very costly copywriting mistake that even experienced DR owners and copywriters make. Mistake: their headline and lead talks mostly about THE PRODUCT. This is a mistake, because people buy because of BENEFITS THEY WILL GET from buying the product. For example, this headline talks about the product too much: New Body Flush Powder… Continue reading A Common Headline Mistake

2 Keys To Success of a NEW OFFER

I’d say about 10% of the new offers turn out to be big winners in this industry. Sadly that means 90% of the new offers are NOT big winners even though the owner put in the exact same time, effort and expense. That’s only a 1 in 10 “hit” rate. What a shame, isn’t it?… Continue reading 2 Keys To Success of a NEW OFFER

Successful Copywriting is Only 1/3 About The Words

Successful direct response copywriting is: … 1/3 PSYCHOLOGY (what benefits does your prospectwant the most, what are they thinking now, what aretheir main objections, etc.) … ⅓ RESEARCH (what makes your product different andsuperior to competing choices) … and ⅓ WRITING (great salesmanship in print)Yes, only 1/3 is the actual writing! This is very important:… Continue reading Successful Copywriting is Only 1/3 About The Words

Watch This Copywriting Critique on YouTube

Here is my video copywriting critique of a Keto Diet E-Com Page … Watch this and see how to DOUBLE the conversion rate and the profits … the common type of copy that STOPS the reader and LOSES sales … “helpful copy” that actually LOWERS the conversion rate … and much more. https://youtu.be/znzsKzQ0ekg

Successful VSL Copywriting Secrets (Podcast Interview Part 2)

Here is Part 2 of me being interviewed on Copywriters Podcast for how to have a blockbuster VSL for your business: https://youtu.be/KPAKw94LuDM

Headline Copywriting Tip

This headline copywriting tip almost always increases response. Usually by A LOT. The tip: make your proof element part of your headline. This adds credibility and believability which increases readership which increases sales. Here are three basic examples: ************************* NO: How to lose weight fast YES: How to lose weight fast according to Harvard University… Continue reading Headline Copywriting Tip

A Great Story Could Be The Secret To Doubling Your Response

A Great Story Could Be The Secret To Doubling Your Response Stanford University marketing professor Jennifer Aaker asked each of her students to give a 1 minute pitch. When asked to recall the pitches later, only 5% of students could cite a statistic, but 63% could remember a story (in detail). I’ve written over 40… Continue reading A Great Story Could Be The Secret To Doubling Your Response

How To Convert More Website Visitors Into Customers

You are fighting some tough obstacles to get a website visitor to respond to your company. These include the short attention span of the web, you being one of hundreds of websites they can visit, and the visitors having seen thousands of websites already. In analyzing the 25 most successful websites we’ve written for our… Continue reading How To Convert More Website Visitors Into Customers

12 Essential Landing Page Tips, Proven to Increase Conversions

The landing page is a time-tested sales funnel that can generate extremely impressive conversion results… when used properly. The problem is, landing pages have a very specific set of criteria needed to ensure their success. Too many websites either A) don’t know what an actual landing page is or B) configure a landing page so… Continue reading 12 Essential Landing Page Tips, Proven to Increase Conversions

The 3 Costliest Mistakes You Can Make On Your Website

When you are strategizing your website, the 80/20 rule is very important to remember. That is, 80% of your website’s success will come from only 20% of everything that is on the website.  These 3 costly website mistakes can affect this vital 20% group and cost you a lost fortune. Costly Website Mistake #1 …… Continue reading The 3 Costliest Mistakes You Can Make On Your Website